Which datastore configurations stores in which cdb files?

Dear Team,

It could be helpful, if you explain which and when the datastore(candidate, running, startup) configurations stores in which cdb files (A.cdb, C.cdb and O.cdb).
Also tell for what and why this db (confd_candidate.db) used in candidate datastore. Won’t it be stored in any of the above A,C,O cdb’s.
What external and implementations exactly meant in the config.conf file for candidate datastore.

Thanks in advance.

A.cdb – the configuration data, if startup is enabled, the startup datastore is stored persistently in this file, if startup is not enabled, the running datastore is stored persistently in this file.
C.cdb – the database schema is stored persistently in this file
O.cdb – the operational data store is stored persistently in this file

Regarding the candidate from the confd.conf man page:

/confdConfig/datastores/candidate/filename (xs:string)
filename is the name of the file where the candidate will be stored, if implementation is “confd” and “storage” is “disk” or “auto”.

Hi Cohult :slight_smile: ,

A.cdb : Can you kindly explain what is “startup datastore” & “running datastore”.
C.cdb : what is “database schema”.

Or else please let me know where can I get info regarding this.

From the ConfD UG Glossary:

A schema defines the structure of data. A schema in ConfD is represented by YANG modules, compiled to a schema file having the file name suffix “.fxs”.

Regarding startup and running datastores, see RFC 6241"NETCONF Protocol" Terminology RFC 6241 - Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)

See also ConfD UG Chapter 27.1. Datastores