Tailf:link with absolute path provided (having list in it) causing confd bring up failure with an error: "bad key reference in symlink"

Hi All,
My schema looks like below, pw-change-date is new leaf added with the same type (string).
augment /oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication:
±-rw account
| ±-rw accounts* [username]
| ±-rw username? → …/config/username
| ±-rw config
| | ±-rw username? string
| | ±-rw pw-change? string
| | ±-rw pw-change-date? string <== new leaf

I have annotated this new leaf to use tailf:link for synchronising its value with existing pw-change leaf as:
tailf:annotate “/oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication/:accounts/:account/config/:pw-change-date” {
tailf:link “/oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication/:accounts/:account[username=current()/…/config/username]/:config/:pw-change”;

tailf:annotate “/oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication/:accounts/:account/state/:pw-change-date” {
tailf:link “/oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication/:accounts/:account[username=current()/…/config/username]/:state/:pw-change”;

With this, compilation is successful but its giving runtime error while bringing up confd.
Error : Bad configuration: cdb/confd.conf:0: /system/aaa/authentication/accounts/account/state/pw-change-date: invalid path specification: /oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication/:accounts/:account[username=current()/…/config/username]/:state/:pw-change: bad key reference in symlink: …/config/username.

“account” is a list with key as “username”. Please help me to define this absolute path.


Try replacing ../config/username with ../username

Hi @cohult
I tried with this as well but no luck.
Getting same error:
Bad configuration: cdb/confd.conf:0: /system/aaa/authentication/accounts/account/state/pw-change-date: invalid path specification: /oc-system:system/oc-system:aaa/oc-system:authentication/<>:accounts/<>:account[username=current()/…/username]/<>:state/<>:pw-change: bad key reference in symlink: …/username.

Sorry, it should have been:
Try replacing ../config/username with ../../username
Not sure if that works due to the type diff. If not:
Try replacing ../config/username with ../../config/username
For the state you may want to ref the state containers username leaf (assuming state is a copy of config):