We’re having a problem in a YANG validation, where a timeout is thrown before reaching the time configured for the timeout.
The YANG snippet which calls the validation looks like this:
augment /router-mpls:mpls/l2-vpn:l2vpn-config/l2-vpn:l2vpn {
container vpn-common-validation {
tailf:hidden full;
tailf:validate vpn_app_validation {
tailf:opaque "vlm_memb_valp";
tailf:dependency "/dot1q:dot1q/dot1q:vlan/dot1q:interface/dot1q:interface-name";
The validation function opens a socket and calls maapi_connect():
socket_ = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
maapi_connect(socket_, (struct sockaddr *)&addr_, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
After that, the validation is made.
To reproduce the behavior, I put the following code inside the validation, just to simulate a large validation process, and to proove that the validation by itself isn’t the issue:
confd_data_set_timeout(tctx, 250);
for(uint16_t i=0; i<100; i++) {
This validation should complete with success, but after 60 to 100 seconds, a timeout occurs.
It’s not deterministic. But it’s way more frequent when the equipment is receiving lots of SNMP requests. Using SNMP to increase the reproduction rate, it happens after 3 to 6 tries, usually.
Some logs we collected:
<CRIT> 7-Jan-2025::12:11:28.826 confd[5374]: - Daemon config_validationd timed out
<DEBUG> 7-Jan-2025::12:11:23.098 confd[<0.124.0>]: devel-c close_usess db request daemon id: 77
<ERR> 7-Jan-2025::12:11:28.824 confd[<0.124.0>]: devel-c Control socket request timed out daemon config_validationd id 77
If the validation function takes more time than the configured, it throws a timeout correctly:
confd_data_set_timeout(tctx, 280);
for(uint16_t i=0; i<300; i++) {
So, is there a way to prevent a timeout from happening before reaching the configured timeout time? Are we using the validation as it should?
Using ConfD version 8.0.6
Thanks in advance!